Mentoring in the Workplace

Taking on an apprentice is an investment in the long term success of your  business. A well-executed mentoring programme is crucial to fostering a supportive environment in which your apprentice will succeed and return maximum value. This new one-day course helps your business’s aspiring and existing mentors to super-charge their skills so that they can confidently and effectively support your engineering apprentices and graduates to excel.

Method: Face to Face

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £400+VAT

Location: OAS

Is this course for you?

Whether you’re looking to support and recognise the natural go-to people people in your business who are already nurturing your future talent, or you’re seeking to embed a new mentoring culture in your organisation, we can help.

Our experts will support you to find the right mentor for the right apprentice to increase your learners’ success rates, reduce attrition and support your business’s succession planning.

Our online pre-course material sets the scene, including TED talks and other resources that explore the impact and nature of mentoring and how it differs from other support roles.

Delegates will then attend a one-day course at our state-of the-art training centre, where they’ll take part in five sessions throughout the day.

  • Session 1: What is a mentor?
  • Session 2: Why be a mentor? Your role in the learner’s journey
  • Session 3: What will my mentoring role involve?
  • Session 4: What tools can I use? Tools and tips for successful mentoring
  • Session 5: Final Course Activity: Personal Action Plans


In the three to six months after the course, delegates are invited to engage through our online forum to share success stories, discuss and solve challenges, and provide mutual support through a network of mentoring peers.

“When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back and you give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.” – Michelle Obama

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  • Achieve industry-wide recognised qualifications
  • Receive future-focused solutions
  • Learn from industry-leader
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